NASFAA Members Celebrate Financial Aid Day

In the world of financial aid it can be difficult to find the time to hit the pause button and recognize the contributions of professionals in the field. But on Financial Aid Day (FAD) many in the financial aid community took some time to reflect on their contributions and highlight their important role in the higher education community at-large.

Celebrated each year on the third Wednesday in October, Financial Aid Day (FAD) is a special day to celebrate financial aid professionals' hard work and dedication for helping students make their college-going dreams a reality.

Thank you for all you do. We know financial aid professionals work hard daily to help students achieve their education goals and you deserve to have your achievements celebrated.

Here’s a brief round-up of how some of our members, their offices, and campuses celebrated the occasion:

  • Staff from Stephen F. Austin State University’s enrollment management units each wrote a note of appreciation to the financial aid team. They attached the notes to balloons and filled the office with them as a surprise. The financial aid team was then greeted with the notes and balloons Wednesday morning. 

  • Spalding University’s Financial Aid Office celebrated Financial Aid Day with some treats for the office staff.

  • The Coffeyville Community College’s (CCC) financial aid staff took a team-building day to try their skills in an escape room! “Being the awesome team we are, we escaped! This was our first time in an escape room; it was a new experience for us all,” said Robin Adamson, CCC’s director of financial aid. “I'm proud of our team today, Financial Aid Day, and always!” 

  • Harford Community College staff celebrated their team with food, fun, and games. Other staff members celebrated the day at local high schools assisting students with setting up their FSA IDs! 

  • Kean University’s office of financial aid celebrated with an in-office team gathering and had some festive decorations. 

You can find more activities and celebrations on social media with #FinancialAidDay. Here are some of your posts:




McDaniel College FAD 2023

State Tech FAD 2023

Thank you to all the financial aid professionals for the work you do!


Publication Date: 10/18/2023

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