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Edly Student Loans. Help your students get the funding they need to complete their education. With Edly, there is no cosigner required, no minimum credit score and no in-school payments. Underwritten by FinWise Bank (member FDIC), Edly's income-based repayment loans are flexible and affordable. Learn more.
On Tuesday, the Department of Education (ED) released final rules on the four remaining topics from its 2020-21 Institutional and Programmatic Eligibility negotiated rulemaking session. The rules become effective July 1, 2024.
Get the recognition you deserve with the FAAC® designation. If your application has already been approved, purchase the certification knowledge exam and schedule your session online. If you haven’t applied yet, take advantage of the waived application fee and complete your application online right away. Learn more about the testing process and make sure you meet all of the technical requirements. Utilize candidate resources to review for the exam.
Blue Icon Advisors' next Let's Talk session — focusing on communication and activity planning with key stakeholders concerning the delayed 2024-25 FAFSA application process — is coming up on Thursday, November 16. The maximum capacity for this event is limited, so be sure to reserve your seat today. Check the schedule to see more upcoming Let's Talk topics.
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