NASFAA Endorses the Affordable Loans for Students Act November 18, 2024-NASFAA endorsed a bill from Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) this week that would, among other things, lower the interest rate on federal student loans to 1%.
NASFAA Signs Onto Letter in Support of FAFSA Deadline Act November 12, 2024-NASFAA, along with other higher education organizations, signed onto a letter to House leadership in support of the FAFSA Deadline Act. If enacted the legislation would make October 1 the official launch date for the FAFSA each year.
NASFAA Signs Onto Letter Opposing Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act and DETERRENT Act June 12, 2024-NASFAA, along with dozens of other higher education organizations, signed onto a letter urging lawmakers from the House Rules Committee to oppose efforts to add the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act and the Defending Education Transparency and Ending Rog...
Bipartisan Group of House Members Introduce Tax Free Pell Grant Act May 1, 2023-On Friday a bipartisan group of lawmakers from the House Ways and Means Committee reintroduced the Tax Free Pell Grant Act, which would seek to remove logistical barriers that prevent students from accessing tax credits that they may be eligible for ...
NASFAA Signs Letter Urging Congress to Repeal the Tax on Pell Grants November 29, 2022-NASFAA signed on to a letter urging Congress to end the taxation of federal Pell Grants in order to make higher education more affordable and simplify the tax code for students and families with low and middle incomes.
NASFAA Joins Letter Urging Congress to Pass Legislation to Protect Dreamers November 21, 2022-NASFAA signed on to a letter sent by the American Council on Education urging congressional leaders to pass legislation to protect Dreamers after recent court decisions declared the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program illegal.
NASFAA Joins Call for Congress to Support Tax-Free Pell Grant Act November 1, 2022-NASFAA, along with several higher education organizations, signed on to a letter by the American Council on Education (ACE) urging leaders of the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee to include the Tax-Free Pell Grant Act i...
NASFAA Joins in Letter Calling for Repeal of Pell Grant Taxability June 27, 2022-NASFAA joined other higher education organizations in a letter to congressional leadership calling for the repeal of Pell Grant taxability and restoring American Opportunity
Tax Credit (AOTC) eligibility for students with prior drug convictions.
NASFAA Signs On to Letter Calling for 85-15 Rule Fix June 23, 2022-NASFAA signed on to a letter supporting the Ensuring the Best Schools for Veterans Act of 2022, legislation to address concerns stemming from recent policy changes to the 85-15 rule by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
NASFAA Joins ACE in Urging Changes to Veterans Law Affecting Institutions August 1 July 20, 2021-On Monday, NASFAA signed on to a letter with several other higher education associations to alert Congress to serious concerns about a new veterans benefits law that has implications for institutions of higher education, including the financial aid o...
New Bills Push for Free College, Doubling of Pell Grant April 26, 2021-President Joe Biden’s focus on college affordability and higher education in general early in his term as a means to help the country recover from the impact of the ongoing pandemic has served as an opportunity for Democrats in Congress to cham...
NASFAA Signs Onto Community Letter to Eliminate Origination Fees April 19, 2021-NASFAA joined other higher education organizations in a letter to congressional leadership urging for the elimination of costly origination fees on federal student loans disbursed on or after March 27, 2020.
NASFAA Joins in Letter of Support for Budget Reconciliation March 2, 2021-NASFAA joined other higher education organizations in a letter to Senate leadership, expressing support for the reconciliation package, which would provide nearly $40 billion in coronavirus relief aid for higher education.
Higher Education Community Sends Letter on Protect the GI Bill Act December 3, 2020-NASFAA joined a group of higher ed associations in sending a letter to the Senate & House Committees on Veterans’ Affairs regarding the Protect the GI Bill Act, highlighting several provisions in the bill that could create unintended consequences.
Community Asks Congress for $120 Billion for Higher Ed COVID Relief October 19, 2020-NASFAA signed onto a letter along with a community of other higher education associations in asking for $120 billion in additional funds for education in response to the ongoing pandemic.
NASFAA Urges Senate Leadership to Extend CARES Act Student Loan Relief August 6, 2020-NASFAA wrote to Senate leadership Friday calling for protections enacted under the CARES Act for student loan borrowers, including the suspension of payments and interest accrual, to be extended before they expire at the end of September.
NASFAA Joins in Letter in Support of Heroes Act May 19, 2020-NASFAA joined others in the higher education community in a letter to House leadership, expressing support for the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act.
Higher Education Community Presses Congress for Technical Fixes in CARES Act May 14, 2020-NASFAA joined the higher education community in a letter to congressional education committee leadership asking for clarifications and technical corrections to the CARES Act and other statutory language to ensure that Congress’s intent is fully met.
Higher Education Community Letter of Support for Senate-Amended FUTURE Act December 5, 2019-NASFAA joined 10 other higher education organizations in a letter expressing support for the Senate-amended FUTURE Act, which includes language to allow for data sharing between the IRS and Department of Education.
NASFAA Cancer Deferment Letter July 1, 2019-NASFAA urged congressional leaders to ensure the new cancer treatment deferment benefit, included in the fiscal year 2019 spending package passed in September, is available for all federal student loan borrowers.
NASFAA Submits HEA Priorities to Senate Education Committee Leaders February 23, 2018-In response to a call for feedback on the pending reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA), NASFAA submitted a letter on behalf of financial aid administrators providing recommendations for Congress as the HEA process moves forward.
Postsec Data Letter to Senate HELP Committee February 23, 2018-This letter is submitted on behalf of 50 members and partners of the Postsecondary Data Collaborative (PostsecData), in response to the call for comments and suggestions on topics to include in the reauthorization of the HEA.
Higher Education Community Urges Delay on House Reauthorization Bill February 15, 2018-In a letter to the Speaker of the House and the Minority Leader, several higher education associations, including NASFAA, outlined areas of concern in the PROSPER Act and requested a delay before the bill takes place before the full House.
NASFAA Sends Letter to House Education Committee Ahead of PROSPER Act Markup December 8, 2017-In a letter sent to members of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, NASFAA said that while it supports several provisions in the reauthorization bill, some "serious concerns and questions" remain regarding others.
Higher Education Community Dream Act Letter July 26, 2017-This letter, led by the American Council on Education and supported by NASFAA, endorses the Dream Act, introduced in the Senate by Sens. Graham (R-SC) and Durbin (D-IL).
PPY Codification Letter June 13, 2017-This coalition letter urges Congress to codify the use of "prior-prior year" (PPY) income information on the FAFSA through legislation.
Community Letter to House on Teacher Preparation Program Regulation Repeal February 6, 2017-This letter, led by the American Council on Education and supported by NASFAA, endorses H.J. Res. 58, which would strike the teacher preparation regulations finalized in October through the Congressional Review Act (CRA).
Higher Education Community Letter in Support of BRIDGE Act January 12, 2017-NASFAA joins letter coordinated by the American Council on Education in support of the BRIDGE Act, which would grant DACA recipients or those eligible for DACA temporary relief from deportation and work permits for three years.
NASFAA Signs Letter Urging President-Elect Trump to Support DREAM Act December 19, 2016-NASFAA joined several other organizations in signing a letter, written by the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, urging President-elect Donald J. Trump to keep the current DACA program and support the DREAM Act.
Higher Education Community Letter on Five House Higher Education Bills June 21, 2016-This letter, signed by NASFAA and coordinated by the American Council on Education, provides feedback on five higher education bills considered by the House Committee on Education & the Workforce.
Boost Saving for College Act Letter of Support May 12, 2016-Letter of support from the higher education community, coordinated by the American Council on Education, for the Boost Saving for College Act, introduced by Sen. Burr (R-NC). The bill looks to expand the use of college savings accounts.
Perkins Extension Letter December 2015 December 16, 2015-NASFAA joins a letter coordinated by ACE expressing concern for the Perkins Loan Program extension legislation proposed in the U.S. Senate.
NASFAA Repay Act Letter of Support January 20, 2015-NASFAA President and CEO Justin Draeger submits a letter in support of the Repay Act to Senator Richard Burr and Senator Angus King.
NASFAA Submits Comment on Higher Education Affordability Act September 2, 2014-At the request of Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, NASFAA submitted comments on the Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEAA).
NASFAA HEAA Comments August 28, 2014-NASFAA CEO Justin Draeger submits comments to the Honorable Tom Harkin, Chairman, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, regarding the Higher Education Affordability Act (HEAA) of 2014.
Higher Education Tax Benefit Testimony Submitted to Senate Finance Committee August 10, 2012-In written testimony submitted to the Senate Committee on Finance, NASFAA joined 11 other higher education organizations to express strong support for extending the American Opportunity Tax Credit, the above-the-line deduction for qualified tuitio...
NASFAA Letter to House on Digital Accountability and Transparency Act May 16, 2012-NASFAA, joined by the Coalition of Higher Education Assistance Organizations (COHEAO) and other higher education organizations, urges members of the House of Representatives to alter language in the “Digital Accountability and Transparency Act” (H...
Template Letter to Senate on 21st Century Postal Service Act of 2012 May 16, 2012-NASFAA asks you to join us in urging members of the Senate to alter language in the “21st Century Postal Service Act of 2012” (S. 1789). The legislation would greatly impede the Department of Education (ED) from offering vital and mandated trainin...
Template Letter to House on Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2012 May 16, 2012-NASFAA asks you to join us in urging members of the House to alter language in the "Digital Accountability and Transparency Act" (H.R. 2146). The legislation would greatly impede the Department of Education (ED) from offering vital and mandated tr...
NASFAA Signs Testimony to Support Extending Higher Education Tax Benefits May 10, 2012-NASFAA joined the higher education community in signing written testimony to Congress to express support for extending higher education tax benefits, including the American Opportunity Tax Credit, set to expire at the end of the year.
NASFAA Signs Letter to Support Legislation on Interest Rate May 7, 2012-NASFAA joins 40 higher education associations in signing a letter drafted by the American Council on Education to express support for enacting legislation to keep the interest rate on subsidized Stafford loans from doubling -- from 3.4 percent to ...
NASFAA Joins Higher Ed Associations in Letter to House on Interest Rate Legislation April 26, 2012-NASFAA joins several other higher education associations in signing a letter drafted by the American Council on Education to the House of Representatives to express support for enacting legislation to keep the interest rate on subsidized Stafford ...
Bankruptcy Coalition Letter to Sen. Dick Durbin May 26, 2011-The Honorable Dick Durbin United States Senate 711 Hart Senate Building Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Durbin: On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we are writing to express our strong support for the Fairness for Struggling...
Support for the Davis Amendment to Restore Bankruptcy Rights February 7, 2008-Urging restoration of fairness to student loan borrowers who need the protection afforded by bankruptcy law, treating student loans the same as other consumer debts. This amendment to H.R. 4137, College Opportunity and Affordability...