OTC AskRegs Experts: The Good, the Bad, and the Choose-Your-Own-Adventure of School Corrections

This week on “Off The Cuff,” Allie, Jill, and David talk about the latest news on school corrections and dive into a discussion on crossover periods. Jill kicks things off by recapping the most recent electronic announcement from the Department of Education concerning the timelines for school ISIR corrections and processing for paper FAFSA submissions. David then goes over some rules for crossover payment periods and highlights how FAFSA simplification has impacted the process.


Allie Arcese Jill Desjean David Tolman
Allie Arcese
Director of Communications
Jill Desjean
Senior Policy Analyst

David Tolman
Instructional Design & Content Specialist
Hugh Ferguson
Senior Reporter / Podcast Producer

VirtualThis episode is brought to you by NASFAA's Virtual Conference

Register for NASFAA’s 2024 virtual conference on July 8-11, 2024. The virtual conference will feature the same great aspects of the national conference you've come to know and love, but in a 100% virtual format. The content will consist entirely of unique sessions not offered at the NASFAA 2024 National Conference in Milwaukee. For one low price of $350, everyone on your NASFAA roster can participate in the conference. Learn more and be sure to sign up today.


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Publication Date: 5/17/2024

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