On this page you will find comments by NASFAA or affiliated organizations related to budgetary and appropriations matters undertaken by Congress.
Double_Pell_Alliance_Letter_FY_2025 June 4, 2024-NASFAA, along with dozens of higher education organizations, signed onto a letter urging top Congressional appropriators to increase the maximum Pell Grant award to $13,000, which is double the maximum award over FY 2021 levels.
NASFAA FY 2023 House Appropriations Request Letter May 26, 2022-NASFAA sent a letter to the House appropriations committee encouraging members to build on the funding levels set in FY 202 by supporting robust increases to the federal student aid programs, and doubling the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000.
Community FY22 Appropriations Request Letter June 15, 2021-With the annual congressional appropriations cycle now in full swing, NASFAA joined 48 higher education organizations to advocate for federal investments in critical programs serving students, institutions, and researchers.
Free College Proposal Comparison Matrix April 29, 2021-Democratic lawmakers and President Joe Biden introduced a number of free college proposals in the spring of 2021. This chart outlines the parameters of each, for comparison.
Double Pell Letter March 25, 2021-NASFAA joined a coalition of more than 1,000 higher education organizations and institutions on a letter sent to members of Congress arguing that doubling the maximum Pell Grant award is a long overdue investment that will drive economic recovery.
NASFAA Signs on to Community Letter on Higher Education Tax Priorities December 10, 2019-NASFAA joined more than a dozen other higher education organizations in a letter urging lawmakers to include a fix for the "kiddie tax"scholarship issue in legislation before the end of the year.
NASFAA FY 2020 Appropriations Request Letter March 22, 2019-NASFAA sent a letter to the House and Senate appropriations committees urging them to reject cuts to federal aid programs included in President Donald Trump's fiscal year (FY) 2020 budget proposal and increase the federal investment in students.
NASFAA FY 2019 Appropriations Letter on Data-sharing and Pell Increase July 26, 2018-On Thursday, NASFAA urged House appropriators to support provisions in the Senate FY19 Labor-HHS-Education funding bill that would allow institutions to share FAFSA data with written consent from the student to organizations.
NASFAA Submits Letter on FY 2019 Appropriations Request March 28, 2018-NASFAA sent a letter to the House and Senate appropriations committees urging them to reject cuts to federal aid programs included in President Donald Trump's fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget proposal.
Higher Education Community Letter on FY2017 April 6, 2017-The letter, signed by NASFAA, calls on congressional leaders to finalize work on fiscal year (FY) 2017 funding. In particular, the letter asks Congress to restore year-round Pell and avoid removing funds from the Pell Grant Program surplus.
NASFAA FY2018 Appropriations Request Letter March 31, 2017-NASFAA sent a letter to leaders in the House and Senate outlining priorities on federal student aid funding for fiscal year 2018, which affects award year 18-19.
Higher Education Community Pell Surplus Letter April 14, 2016-This letter expresses the opinion of the higher education community that appropriators not use funds from the Pell surplus to fund programs outside the higher education.
Pell Coalition Letter on Pell Grant Funding April 13, 2016-This letter, signed by NASFAA and 26 other higher education and related groups, requests Congress not repurpose Pell Grant funds for non-Pell purposes when looking for extra dollars in the budget process.
Higher Education Community Letter on FY17 Appropriations March 17, 2016-This letter, which outlines higher education program funding priorities for fiscal year (FY) 2017, was signed by NASFAA and coordinated by the American Council on Education.
Coalition FY2017 302b Allocation Letter February 22, 2016-Signed by NASFAA and coordinated through the Committee for Education Funding, this letter urges appropriators to allocate as high a funding level as possible to the Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee for FY 2017.
Letter to House Labor-HHS Committee on Pell Grants November 17, 2011-NASFAA joins the American Council on Education and several other organizations in writing a letter to members of the House Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services, Education to express two commonly held, significant concerns with the app...
NASFAA Submits Letter to the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction September 15, 2011-NASFAA submitted its comments to the Joint Committee on Deficit Reduction as the committee negotiates a deficit reduction plan that can gain support in both chambers of Congress. NASFAA asked that the committee consider the vital role of the feder...
NASFAA Urges Senate to Oppose FY 2012 Budget Resolution May 23, 2011-This letter urges Senate leaders to oppose the House's FY 2012 budget resolution, H. Con. Res. 34, which would slash funding for Pell Grants and other student aid programs.
Student Aid Alliance FY 2012 Budget Request May 18, 2011-The Student Aid Alliance, a coalition of organizations representing millions of students, parents, colleges and universities, urges Congress to restore funding for student aid programs in the FY 2012 budget.
Letter Urging Representatives to Oppose H.R. 1 February 16, 2011-NASFAA President Justin Draeger urges representatives to oppose H.R. 1 and ensure 2011-12 Pell Grant awards are not reduced.
NASFAA Urges Congress to Prevent Cuts to Maximum Pell Award February 3, 2011-NASFAA President Justin Draeger urges lawmakers in the House and Senate to prevent cuts to the maximum Pell award by providing sufficient funding for the remainder of the 2011 fiscal year.
FY 2011 Appropriations Request of the Student Aid Alliance February 23, 2010-We call on Congress to continue its bipartisan support of the federal student aid programs – which combine grant, work-study, and loan programs to enable low-income students to succeed. Since the onset of the economic downturn two ...