August State & Regional Association Updates

In this monthly round-up in Today's News, we would like to highlight what is going on in your state and regional financial aid administrator associations. 

This month, we're excited to hear from the Southern Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (SASFAA). Past President Celena Tulloss reports that the association completed the 2021-22 year with a very successful in-person return for the New Aid Officer Workshop (NAOW), which hosted 120 attendees from across the nine SASFAA states, as well as some from out of the region. 

SASFAA New Aid Officer Workshop

Additionally, the SASFAA board authorized 15 scholarships to this year's event, which was held on the campus of Wofford College in Spartanburg, South Carolina. The workshop offered instruction in 10 financial aid topics, including six NASFAA credentials, as well as sessions on mental health, unknown bias, and an educational session about Juneteenth, coordinated by the first class of the SASFAA Diversity Leadership Program.

Check back next month to see what your colleagues are doing across the country!


Publication Date: 8/8/2022

Heather B | 8/8/2022 10:3:36 AM

NAOW is always such a great event! Proud to be a SASFAA grad. :)

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